Astrologers around the world scanned images of the James Web Telescope in hopes to find out more about the beginning of our universe only to find there is an even older story to tell about the big bang.
For those that don’t know the James Webb Space Telescope is the new satellite telescope NASA launched and has recently unfolded it’s wings about 1 million kilometers away from earth. This was planned in order to decrease interference from earth and to be able to see as far back into time towards the center of the universe as possible at this time.
Whenever we peer into the center of the known universe we are looking backwards in time. It takes millions of years for the light to reach us from those stars and most of them don’t exist anymore. There is also an effect that causes a gravitational lens and has allowed astronomers to see a super nova explode four times. This allowed scientists to prove the existence of black holes, and many other theories. Launching a new satellite telescope is exciting and could offer new knowledge to the universe and the history. Little did NASA know how fast the discoveries would come. The telescope has already uncovered the oldest galaxies known to man. While taking a closer look at these galaxies the astronomers realized the formation of suns and possibly solar systems had already began before thought possible. Meaning the age of the universe is not the same as we previously believed it to be or that the creation of solar systems happened before we thought it did. We are still in the early stages of being able to test many theories about the beginning our our universe but it is evident the James Webb Space Telescope is going to open our eyes to more truth of the universe. I can only imagine this is going to open more questions than it will answer.