The Cobra Effect

The Cobra Effect, also known as perverse incentives, is a term used by German economist Horst Siebert to describe unanticipated negative outcomes when a reward or incentive is provided to address a problem. According to legend, Delhi experienced a cobra infestation many years ago in colonial India. As a result, the British established a bounty […]
Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology, Sapolsky at Stanford Lecture

(March 29, 2010) Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky gave the opening lecture of the course entitled Human Behavioral Biology and explains the basic premise of the course and how he aims to avoid categorical thinking. This lecture series has been made freely available on Youtube by Stanford and it is one of the most enlightening courses […]
Behavioral Science and Why We Do What We Do?

According to Britannica Science, behavioral science, any of various disciplines dealing with the subject of human actions, usually including the fields of sociology, social and cultural anthropology, psychology, and behavioral aspects of biology, economics, geography, law, psychiatry, and political science. The term gained currency in the 1950s in the United States; it is often used synonymously with “social sciences,” although some writers distinguish between them. The term behavioral […]