Believe it or not, all of the images on this page were created by Artificial Intelligence.
Be warned, that many careers are being threatened by machine learning and robots that could do most of our jobs for us. Are hardworking citizens at threat of losing their jobs to automation and what will they do when they are replaced by an intelligent robot? What jobs are safe from A.I. or robotics? Experts have said that creative paths were the least subjective to the A.I. job threat, however, they may be wrong. Machine learning has allowed A.I. to learn to create some stunning and creative images and videos that normally were only reserved for those that were creative. Should we be threatened by this discovery?
All of us are on a cusp of a major societal change, with the integration of robotics and artificial intelligence, we are entering the age of automation. A.I. has allowed robotics to replace many factory and production workers and soon with automated trucks, ships, planes, and trains, the transportation and shipping industries will need fewer employees. There is a realization that many workers around the world are not going to have a career in the future and governments are turning to experts to find a solution to a large part of the population from becoming unemployed skilled workers. As young adults prepare for college they are looking for something that is protected from automation and they are being directed toward creative fields. Experts are claiming that A.I. has a hard time with creative fields and these are the least threatened career paths. Is that really the case though? Are the experts aware that artificial intelligence is already producing creative works of art?

Machine Learning has led to a new and creative way to create images. Feeding the A.I. data to produce a seed of creation, the A.I. takes what it has learned, from studying the internet, and combines it to create an artistic representation of the data. What the A.I. produces is a stunning creative piece of artwork, well most of the time. It only takes looking at a gallery full of images produced by the A.I. to feel like the creative field is also threatened by artificial intelligence, but is A.I. really a threat?
The second I saw the images that A.I. is able to produce, I was jealous as an artist and threatened as a creative. A beautiful creative image was produced within minutes by feeding a small amount of data to the A.I.. It had created something that would have taken me days to produce and had no issues with being creative. Is this it? Is this the end of the need for artists?
Once the shock wore off, I realized it wasn’t actually a threat but a new and amazing tool to bring more creative options to our clients. I realized over the couple of hours I had tested the artificial intelligence’s ability, I was able to create amazing stunning images that our clients would love but were often out of their reach. They weren’t perfect and often you would get weird abstract mutations but by using the right data and options, I was able to create stunning images that were 90% of the way there. Then the realization hit, “it’s almost there but not perfect.”

I had spent about 1 hour trying to create an image of a cow in a field, or a man riding a horse. I was able to create some really neat stylized or abstract creatures but couldn’t produce a clean image. That was the moment I realized not just anyone can supply simple references and produce an image that was perfect. Using the A.I. was an artistic skill in itself and lead to a new medium, A.I. Digital Painting. It wasn’t a threat but, a new painting tool for our designers to use and help benefit our clients in the future.
We realized at the Field Theory Lab, just by doing a little refining and editing, we could use these images in our design work. The A.I. produced images that are uniquely creative to our client’s needs and could fit the look and feel of our clients’ brands. It allows us to produce highly detailed artistic one-of-a-kind illustrations that normally would be costly and out of budget for our clients. Quality design and visuals helps retain users attention, increasing the amount of time they spend on a website site and encourages them to explore the site further, increases the chances to convert the user to a sale.
Field Theory is excited to be able to offer higher quality creative sites to our clients without additional costs that typically go with this type of custom design work. We pride ourselves on producing world-class award-winning designs for our clients, and this is only going to make it easier for us to do that for them.

A.I. Image Gallery

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